Investment Approach
Develop Investment Strategies

By conducting investment research and analysis of global macro trends, we professionally and objectively formulate different personalized investment strategies for our family business to create maximum value.

We then construct different sample portfolios based on investment objectives, investment styles, investment time frame and risk tolerance.

Develop Investment Strategies
Flexible Asset Allocation
Flexible Asset Allocation

Both Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) and Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) strategies are adopted to maximize return.  TAA strategy provides us with flexibility to adjust long-term SAA target weights in order to capitalize opportunities during short-term market or economic fluctuations.

We are not limited by asset classes, regions and industries while aiming to achieve investment goals during different global business cycles.


Seize Global Investment Opportunities

We identify and capture opportunities in global financial markets by conducting regular research/reviews and making appropriate allocations in line with investment objectives to optimize returns on portfolios.

Seize Global Investment Opportunities
Professional Risk Management
Professional Risk Management

We engage appropriate risk management controls throughout the investment process from pre- to post-investment stage.  

Our risk management team conducts active data analysis and testing to manage portfolio risks like market, concentration, liquidity, default and credit risks, and makes timely adjustments to investment allocation.  

Derivatives may be used in combination with general trading strategies to optimize risk-reward ratios, and corresponding futures and forward contracts will also be used for risk control.


Improve Administrative Efficiency

With years of industry experience, we can provide advice and assistance in any administrative activities related to account operation, including account opening and fund transfer, saving time on administrative work for our family office and enhance investment administrative efficiency.

Improve Administrative Efficiency